Presently, Present

When my sister and I were little, we used to always pretend we were older. When we were 10 we pretend we were 16. High preschoolers with lockers and boyfriends and were so cool. When we were 16 we wanted to be 20. College kids with dorm rooms, out on our own. Even as collegeContinue reading “Presently, Present”

Growing Pains

As a kid, when you go through growth spurts, you get pains in your legs from your muscles and bones growing right before your eyes! That’s why they call it growing “Pains” it hurts, but it’s also awesome to feel yourself getting bigger and stronger. As an adult, we too go through a different kindContinue reading “Growing Pains”

The Importance of Your Bride Tribe

Picking the ladies who stand beside you on the day of your wedding is a huge process. Not only are these people so important that they are sharing the stage with you on your wedding, but you are relying on them to make the commitment and sacrifices for you. Anyone who has been in aContinue reading “The Importance of Your Bride Tribe”

RVA Around town – Spring Events

11 RVA events this Spring After being cooped up all winter, the second the skies start to clear and the sun kisses our skin, I know we are ready to be out and about again.  I love events, that is no secret! #RVA has always given me such a variety of things to immerse myselfContinue reading “RVA Around town – Spring Events”

Making business buddies

I have always sucked at networking. Through college and high school, I never wanted to go to networking events, other than for the food. I was shy and could not even imagine going up to someone and talking to them, and about what?! It scares me even today, I think I have found a wayContinue reading “Making business buddies”

Resolutions to realities

2018 has been kissed goodbye like an old friend, new year’s eve was spent thumbing through Instagram that essentially was just a bunch of Top Nine photos. Caption after caption was a reflection of the past year. People either going on and on like an Oscar speech or two or three words and emoji aboutContinue reading “Resolutions to realities”

Good Ole Days

The same ole same was the good ole good. We complain that every year is the same ole same when it comes to holidays and the new year. To some extent this is true, more likely than not, you put up the same decorations, have the same fights with your family, eat the same ChristmasContinue reading “Good Ole Days”

The Revamped Resolutions

With the holidays quickly approach us, I can’t help but feel like my mother, she always said that once December 1st hits, Christmas may as well be tomorrow, with all the things that happen in December, she isn’t wrong. The number of things we achieve in December without even realizing it is crazy! We decorate ourContinue reading “The Revamped Resolutions”

RVA Coffee Guide: Inspiring Places

Coffee, Coffee, and more Coffee. That’s what my week, day, life runs on. I can get all the sleep in the world and still want my coffee as soon as I wake up. My overly sweetened coffee has become part of my routine. Along with my coffee, my “office” situation is pretty routine. I sitContinue reading “RVA Coffee Guide: Inspiring Places”

Product Feature: Brown Box Inc.

During this Adulting time, in a twenty somethings life, you can’t get on Facebook or Instagram without seeing Engagement rings, ultrasound photos and new homes in the background. I’ll be the first to admit its hard not to be envious of those who are achieving goals at such a young age. I look at itContinue reading “Product Feature: Brown Box Inc.”