27 things I learned before 28

My 28th birthday is coming up quickly. A true Leo from birth, I have also enjoyed dreaming, celebrating and not being shy about being the center of attention every now and then. I love my life. I know that nothing I have now came to me randomly. It is all in God’s plan. I learnContinue reading “27 things I learned before 28”

Five Stylist Services

When most people first meet me they think I am a hair stylist. I am here to set the record straight. The Dirty Blonde Stylist is a lifestyle company that was created from a love of fashion and style. One of my key services to the every day woman is fashion and wardrobe styling. MostContinue reading “Five Stylist Services”

Thankful and Grateful

2020 was hardly the year of good fortune for most people. We were putting up Christmas lights in March to bring back some joy to the sad situation. Now that it is getting close to Christmas again, people seem all to happy to jump right to Christmas and simply go through the motions of Thanksgiving.Continue reading “Thankful and Grateful”

The wedding is over, now what?

I am not going to lie, getting back from the honeymoon, I wasn’t sure where to begin. Jacob and I got back from our wonderful honeymoon in Punta Cana in early November. The holidays were right around the corner and our house was full of wedding things that now had to find a new home.Continue reading “The wedding is over, now what?”

The Simple Side

Even when we are not in a pandemic, life is busy and can easily get out of control. How do we keep it simple and manage our lives with a simplistic attitude? Do you remember that show “The Simple Life” with Paris and Nicole? They were whisked away to farm country, where they spent timeContinue reading “The Simple Side”

Calm in the Face of Uncertainty

This is a time like many of us have never experienced. A virus “attacking” around the world and simultaneously causing drastic effects in the stores, workplace, schools and major events. It sounds like what horror movies are based on. Sadly, this is our reality that becomes more serious and close to home every day. LikeContinue reading “Calm in the Face of Uncertainty”

The Walk

I know I am not the only Bride who has walked herself down the aisle for one reason or another on her wedding day. I remember every moment of that walk. For such a quick moment of a long day, it certainly can hold its own in as far as memories go. To fully tellContinue reading “The Walk”

All That Glitter

New year’s eve: All that glitter One of my favorite celebrations of the year is New Years eve. Everyone is still on such a high from Christmas and now it is time to celebrate a new beginning. I have noticed that over the last few years people have had a tend to focus on theContinue reading “All That Glitter”

Weekly Wedding Words: Registry Reflection

The dust has settled (literally) in our house after our wedding. To my shock, I realized yesterday that I had not vacuumed my house in 3 weeks with all the wedding stuff in the way! Our home has become a storage until for out dishes, wine glasses, vases, candles and other various décor pieces thatContinue reading “Weekly Wedding Words: Registry Reflection”

Thanksgiving looks to be Thankful for

Thanksgiving has become a holiday that is so overlooked at times. The rush of Christmas is upon us and often this sweet little holiday does not get enough attention. Then the day finally comes, we all gather around a table eat delicious food and stop all the nonsense for a second. If there was aContinue reading “Thanksgiving looks to be Thankful for”